GraderJoe Accounts for Students

Why do students need a GraderJoe account?
Students need a GraderJoe account so that they can sign in to the GraderJoe Student Portal. Here, the students may enroll in a teacher's class to view t...
Fri, 30 Dec, 2016 at 7:54 PM
How does a student create a GraderJoe account?
To create an account, a student must: Go to Click on "Create One" link (next to the question Don't have a...
Fri, 30 Dec, 2016 at 9:59 PM
How do students enroll in my GraderJoe account?
To enroll in your GraderJoe account, the student must: Sign in to the student's GraderJoe account. Click on Enroll into a class. Enter the enroll...
Fri, 30 Dec, 2016 at 10:12 PM
How do students view the graded answer sheets?
To view graded answer sheets, all the student needs to do is sign in to their GraderJoe account and click on the test for which they wish to view the answer...
Fri, 30 Dec, 2016 at 8:02 PM